Jokes by tag

12 results found for tag 'ball'

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ID Setup Punchline Tags
32 Where do lifeguards go to dance? To the beach ball!
73 What has 75 balls and screws old ladies? Bingo!
82 A pirate walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What's with the steering wheel in your crotch?" The pirate says, "Arrrr! It's driving me nuts!"
91 Why couldn't the clown juggle? He just didn't have the balls!
160 Where do hamburgers go to dance? To the meat ball!
190 Why did the coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback!
224 What do tight pants and a cheap hotel have in common? No ballroom!
290 What is really bad at baseball but really good at parties? A pitcher full of margaritas!
352 What did the naughty soccer announcer get for Christmas? COOOOOAAAAAALLLL!!!!
437 What does Cinderella do when she gets to the ball? Gag!
561 Why is Bruce Wayne so good at baseball? Because he is the Batman!
577 Two ants were crawling up Prince Charming's legs. One turned to the other and said, "Meet you at the Royal Ball tonight!"

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