Jokes by tag

22 results found for tag 'den'

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ID Setup Punchline Tags
37 Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and leg? Well he's all-right now!
233 What kind of pants does Super Mario wear? Denim denim denim!
293 What do golden cats say? MeAu!
355 Why does the NSA hate igloos? Because they are snow dens!
364 Did you hear about the wooden car? With the wooden engine? And the wooden wheels? It wooden work!
384 What's the difference between Will Smith and Scotland? Independence Day!
434 Did you hear about the herb gardener who worked until 8pm? They had to pay him overthyme!
446 What rock band has four members but doesn't play music? Mt. Rushmore!
507 Why did the twinkie go to the dentist? He lost his filling!
529 What do you call an aardvark made of steel? A hardvark!
542 What do you get when you divide poop into three pieces? Turds!
544 What did Barack Obama say when he dropped his shell at the beach? "Oh no! Michelle!"
578 Why does the Finnish navy have bar codes on the side of their ships? So they can Scandanavian.
592 How is a marine biologist different from a golden retriever? The marine biologist tags a whale...
617 Why are most mummies never identified? It's due to encryption!
625 Why do you need a GPA of 3.0 or better to make honey? You can't produce honey without the Bs!
628 Why was the band teacher so controversial? He made his students read band books!
694 What do you call a snake that's exactly 3.14 feet long? A πthon!
725 What do you call dental X-rays? Tooth pics!
764 Do you know why Bill Gates wasn't thrown out of the Garden of Eden? Cause he doesn't like Apples!
772 Why did the iPad go to the dentist? Because it had Bluetooth!
801 Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? He is fine, he just woke up!

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