14 results found for tag 'off'
ID | Setup | Punchline | Tags |
19 | What did one casket say to the other casket? | "Is that you coffin?" | |
34 | A man orders coffee in a restaurant. He takes a sip and spits it out, yelling, "This coffee tastes like mud!" | The waiter comes by and says, "Yes, sir. It's fresh ground." | |
79 | What did the sign at the drug rehab center read? | "KEEP OFF THE GRASS!" | |
262 | What do you call an overpriced circumcision? | A rip off! | |
362 | What does American coffee and having sex in a canoe have in common? | It's fucking close to water! | |
370 | Did you hear about the guy who overdosed on Viagra? | They couldn't close the coffin! | |
448 | What did Mike Tyson say to Vincent van Gogh? | "You gonna eat that?" | |
483 | What do you call a tree with all its branches cut off? | An ampu-tree! | |
511 | Why did the coffee file a police report? | It got mugged! | |
547 | What do you call a procrastinating woodpecker? | A wouldpecker! | |
679 | Why do police love arcades? | Because they give lots of tickets! | |
681 | Did you hear about the guy who didn't use spreadsheets for fourty days and fourty nights? | He said it was Excel Lent! | |
711 | What do you call a cow masturbating in a field? | Beef stroganoff. | |
792 | Why are accountants excited to work on the weekend? | Because they get to wear casual clothes to the office! |
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