Jokes by tag

16 results found for tag 'red'

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ID Setup Punchline Tags
23 What did the sheet say to the mattress? "I've got you covered!"
283 Why did the man get fired from the pasta factory? He made a fusilli mistakes!
307 What's a hillbilly's favorite thing to do on Halloween? Pumpkin.
320 Why did the grocery store delivery boy get fired? Because he was driving people bananas!
322 Why did the bullet stay home? Because he was fired!
474 Why was the man fired from the juice factory? He couldn't concentrate!
502 Why are other vegetables afraid of celery? Because it stalks!
520 What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk!
522 What do you call a Communist sniper? A Marxman!
526 What should you do if you get tired of drawing circles? Try angles!
554 Why are the guards around Big Ben always so tired? Because they're working around the clock!
597 How is a bunch of nude showgirls different from a daredevil? One puts on a display of cunning stunts...
670 Where do reindeer live in France? Rue Dolph!
716 What's small, red, and has to whisper? A hoarse radish!
777 What's it called when a hillbilly comes back from the dead? Reintarnation!
803 Where do buffalo wings come from? A buffalo walks into a bar and orders a red bull.

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