Jokes by tag

10 results found for tag 'train'

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ID Setup Punchline Tags
157 Did you hear about the fly who went through a screen door? He strained himself!
235 Did you hear about the crazy Mexican Train Killer? He had loco motives!
309 Did you hear about the Latin train killer? He had locomotives!
310 How does a train eat? It goes "chew chew"!
406 Why did Pavlov have such soft hair? Classic conditioning!
460 What do you call a young locomotive? A trainee!
546 How do locomotives know where to go? They go through lots of training!
570 How does a waiter learn to carry so much food? By taking lots of tray-ning!
808 Why did Yoda train Luke Skywalker? At first, he was Forced to, but eventually he realized it made the Degobah faster!
809 Why did Yoda train Luke Skywalker? At first, he was Forced to, but eventually he realized it made the Degobah faster!

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