Niko's Corny Joke Machine


ID Setup Submitter Tags
639 How do mountains hear? Colleen
162 Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? Cunterific Vagtastic
684 Why are trees so successful? Dave
124 Two muffins baking in an oven. One turns to the other and goes....."Its feckin roasting in here aye?! Muffin 2 replies: David Connolly
64 What's black white black white black white? Denisse
161 What did Helen Keller say after being handed a cheese grater? Dickles McFonderooo
212 Why did the belt go to jail? Dillon
214 What did the Mexican say when his house fell on him? Dillon
672 Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Emi Bee
676 What kind of shoes do frogs wear? Emi Bee