Results Search for a joke by tag or submitter. Search: Search ID Setup Submitter Tags 638 Do you know why Steve Jobs' house is so hot? Joao Lira bill hot house apple microsoft Gates Steve Jobs Windows technology 83 How do you make a hot dog stand? niko chair dog food hot stand 137 What do tight pants and a cheap hotel have in common? niko ball balls cheap hotel nsfw pants testicles tight 175 What did cinderella say while waiting for her photos? niko cinderella photo picture prince print 409 What do athletes do with a camera? niko photo picture olympics camera athlete sports 557 What's Romeo and Juliet's least favorite fruit? niko elope favorite fruit marriage romeo juliet shakespeare cant shotgun wedding bride groom 573 Why did the tiny pepper put on a sweater? niko chilli cold hot little pepper small chilly 594 Why couldn't the Mexican archer shoot his bow? niko chili chilli food hot latino mexican pepper shoot arrow bow habanero jalapeno spicy heat latinx latina cuban havana Page 1 of 1.