Results Search for a joke by tag or submitter. Search: Search ID Setup Submitter Tags 95 What did the retarded pirate say? Ldrizzle handicapped lauren mentally opposite-of-arrrr pirate retarded 643 What's a pirate's favorite letter? Marissa favorite letter pirate pegleg 587 What is a pirate's favorite letter? Mr. Dad favorite letter pirate 59 Where did the pirate go to college? brian argh college harvard pirate school university ivy league 63 A pirate walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What's with the steering wheel in your crotch?" brian argh balls bar bartender driving nuts pirate steering testicles wheel 30 Did you hear about the new pirate movie? niko argh movie pirate rated rating 31 How much do pirate earrings cost? niko buccaneer buck ear earring pirate 256 What does every pirate hate? niko booty chest empty hate nsfw pirate small 257 What did the pirate say when he walked into his 80th birthday party? niko birthday mate matey party pirate 336 Why are pirates called "pirates"? niko argh arr call name pirate Page 1 of 2. next last »