Results Search for a joke by tag or submitter. Search: Search ID Setup Submitter Tags 65 A mushroom walks into a bar and tries to order a beer. The bartender says, "Sorry we don't serve your kind here." Hamburger Jeff bar bartender fun fungi fungus guy mushroom serve 39 Why was the broom late? niko broom late over swept 110 Did you hear about the new broom engineered in the US? niko broom engineer nation sweep 220 Why can't you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom? niko bathroom dinosaur pee potty pterodactyl silent toilet 379 What did the judge say when the skunk entered the courtroom? niko aroma courtroom judge law lawyer odor skunk smell stink 381 What kind of room has no walls? niko fungus mushroom room walls 462 What do you call a room full of black birds? niko bird black full room crowded 524 Why is a room full of married people empty? niko alone empty full married marry people relationship room single riddle 557 What's Romeo and Juliet's least favorite fruit? niko elope favorite fruit marriage romeo juliet shakespeare cant shotgun wedding bride groom Page 1 of 1.