Niko's Corny Joke Machine


ID Setup Submitter Tags
63 A pirate walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What's with the steering wheel in your crotch?" brian
22 What did the termite say when he entered the saloon? niko
215 Why can't Ray Charles see his friends? niko
217 Did you hear about the two guys who stole a calendar? niko
292 What's the difference between Will Smith and Scotland? niko
338 What gets longer when pulled, inserts neatly into a hole, and works best when jerked? niko
343 How did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend? niko
345 What does Cinderella do when she gets to the ball? niko
401 What do you get when you put an iPhone in a blender? niko
466 Why don't Ewoks yell inside? niko