Results Search for a joke by tag or submitter. Search: Search ID Setup Submitter Tags 418 What did the ghost say to the bee? Kristen bee boo breast halloween undead boobie boobs ghost scary 3 What type of bees make milk? niko bee boo boob boobies breasts milk 14 What did the man say to the two owls? niko boob breast hooter nsfw owl tits 48 What did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? niko boob breast nsfw nuts saggy support tits 216 What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants? niko breast bus busty crustacean dirty fish implant lobster nsfw station stop tit 626 What is a mathematician's favorite kind of boob? niko breasts favorite mathematician nsfw tits boobs titties quantities Page 1 of 1.