Results Search for a joke by tag or submitter. Search: Search ID Setup Submitter Tags 672 Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Emi Bee hear school sleep teacher learn student awake kidnapping woke 676 What kind of shoes do frogs wear? Emi Bee clothing feet foot shoe toe wear frog toad sandal 418 What did the ghost say to the bee? Kristen bee boo breast halloween undead boobie boobs ghost scary 265 Why was the Russian wasp interrogated by the CIA? Lauren agency agent bee cagey cia kgb russian spy wasp central intellegence nervous interrogate 586 What do you call a cow masturbating in a field? c beef cow cum dick field jerk jizz nsfw off masturbating stroganoff masturbate 3 What type of bees make milk? niko bee boo boob boobies breasts milk 4 What do you call a cow with two legs? niko beef cow lean legs 5 What do you call a cow with no legs? niko beef cow ground legs 16 What is Beethoven's favorite fruit? niko banana beethoven fruit 125 What goes "zzub zzub zzub"? niko bee buzz fly sound zzub Page 1 of 3. next last »