Niko's Corny Joke Machine


ID Setup Submitter Tags
446 What are the trees feeling now that it's Spring? Rachel
63 A pirate walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What's with the steering wheel in your crotch?" brian
20 Why did the banana go to the hospital? niko
168 Where do ponies go when they aren't feeling well? niko
272 Did you hear about the wooden car? With the wooden engine? And the wooden wheels? niko
291 What do you call a nun in a wheelchair? niko
334 How does Stephen Hawking refresh after a long day? niko
423 What do you call an aardvark made of steel? niko
537 How does a paraplegic cow get around? niko
576 What did the Italian say after eating a pizza topped with eel? niko